Monty McCutchen #13 | 时间:2011-08-28 13:18:44 | 关注人次[] | 字体设置:

NBA experience: 12 seasons, currently on his 13th NBA season
Born: February 14, 2024 (San Angelo, TX)
Resides: Pipe Creek, TX
HS: Dublin (Dublin, TX)
College: Texas at Arlington ’88

Officiated 687 regular season and 19 playoff games.
Officiated the 1996 and 1997 Mexico Challenge as well as the 1998 Schick Rookie Game.
Missed the 1998-99 season with a ruptured left Achilles tendon.
Taught school in Los Angeles from 1988-93.
Graduated cum laude with a degree in Literature and Speech Communication.
Played basketball for one year at Ranger Junior College.
Won 1984 Texas High School AA All-State basketball honors in basketball.
His hobbies include his ranch where he raises Texas Longhorns, Paint Horses and Spanish Goats, hiking, climbing and large format outdoor photography.

 来源:中国篮球裁判网  作者:金哨 
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