Dick Bavetta #27
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NBA experience: 30 seasons, currently in his 31st NBA season. During 2003-04 season he officiated his 2,000th career NBA game. Throughout his career he has never missed an assigned game, officiating 2,095 regular season and 214 playoff games, including 23 NBA Finals games.
Born: December 10, 2023
Resides: Ocala, FL
HS: Power Memorial (New York)
College: St. Francis College ’62

Officiated the 1989 and 1995 NBA All-Star Games, as well as the 1997 McDonald’s Championship in Paris.
Officiated in the 1990 Japan Opening Games in Tokyo and the 1993 Mexico Challenge.
Officiated in the Rucker League (1966 -1986), FIBA (1980- 1992), Jersey Shore Basketball League (1970- 1995) as well as in both the Public and Catholic High School leagues in New York City for 10 years.
Nine years of Eastern League (CBA) officiating experience.
Inducted into the New York City Catholic High School Hall of Fame on June 1, 2000.
Upstate New York Regional Director for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.
Regular speaker to schools and children’s groups.
Since 1992, has volunteered with the Double H-Hole in the Woods Ranch working with critically ill children with cancer or the HIV virus and is presently on the Board of Directors.
Established (1986) and personally finances the Bavetta Scholarships – parochial high school scholarships for minority children.
Earned a MBA in Finance and worked as a broker on Wall Street.
Interests include collecting doo-wop records from the 1950s, tennis, horseback riding, gardening and hiking.
Received the National Pro-Am Lifetime Achievement Award on October 14, 2002.
Works with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

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